Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Settling In

After working on art over the six day weekend, I think I came closer to finding a suitable concentration.  I was doing movement, but I realized that everything I liked or was tending to paint was movement in the face.  Expression seems to fit what I'm leaning towards.  The two pieces I did for this concentration check were more about deciding if "expression" is what I want to be doing.  They aren't my best pieces of work, but I think they convinced me that this is what I should be doing.

Now focusing on expression, I enjoy doing large faces.  I want to work with contortions some and get away from just smiles.  I do not want it to turn into an emotion concentration, so sticking with funnier expressions is probably a smart idea.

I started working on the pictures work of art project.  It felt like everything I took was posed to fit the prompts.  I would like to have a majority of the pictures be sparatic, so I might have to carry a camera on me more often.  I'm going to Atlanta in a week for a swim meet, so I think I will have some good photo opportunities there - I have a lot of time and can easily carry a camera on me.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Concentration Change

So, what I wanted to do before, contradiction, turned out to be way too complicated.  There is no way that I can think of 12 pieces that would be interesting enough and tie together.  McBride convinced me to just pick one of the principles of art to focus on, so I chose motion.  I have been looking through my Mom's photos (she is a rather avid photographer) and she has done a lot of stuff with motion that I would like to use - swimming / running shots of family and friends.  This topic is much more practical, and I they will all fit together well.

I fear the 100 photos woa.  That is a lot of photos to take, so I have already started messing around with a few of them.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I want to do a concentration on contradictions.  I kind of explored this with my two of my projects this year (smiling while being slapped, crying while everyone else is happy).  Monet said I should do a little kid in a business suit holding a briefcase.  I think that would be cool, but I want to make sure all of my projects flow together (thought about just doing emotional contradictions, but need ideas).  Ideas???